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Love notes - from a different perspective. These super souls have had online energy sessions:

Zaeem, Dhaka (CEO)

Anna is absolutely fantastic - her approach, her work, the results and her personality & commitment to helping. What makes the whole thing even more special is that all our sessions have been online! In just a few weeks (we began a fortnight ago), my posture and alignment have improved significantly, my body shape has changed (including weight loss) and I am feeling brighter and more 'connected'. There was an instant level of trust, comfort and understanding since the first moment we connected online - this is especially significant and important when someone is working on a deep, intimate level within your body. She has the brilliant ability to combine her Rolfing practice and expert knowledge to facilitate deeper healing, alignment and change from inside the body. I know she likes to call it 'woo' and I love that word too, but I would like to say the work and positive effects are very very real and tangible! If you have a feeling that you need some kind of adjustment, tweak or integration, whether its external or internal, give it a go, I am sure you will love it!


Brandon, London (tech sales)

I'm feeling great! It's been another productive week, and I feel my stress baseline remain relatively stable and low which is nice. I was a bit skeptical of doing Energy work for the first time, let alone over Zoom! Unsurprisingly, Anna was fantastic and eased those concerns quickly. I felt immediate results during the first session (think intense meditative state) that carried beyond the final session. I've had a great week of runs as well which was capped off with a Personal Best 5k on Friday; over 2 mins shaved off my time! Thank you, Anna! 

Kate, New York (playwright)

I had three deeply restorative sessions with Anna. I had been extremely stressed out, and despite having a solid meditation practice, it wasn’t helping enough, and I was having trouble sleeping. Besides that, I felt unable to heal from a pesky sinus infection that had my energy low so that I felt stuck in a catch 22 of not having the energy to engage enough with my own healing practices. After one session, my energy improved significantly and sleep was better, going from 5 hours a night to 6. After two sessions I slept 7 hours and my sinuses did seem somewhat clearer. After three sessions I had a deep sleep, getting 10 hours and feeling more energized and less stressed. My sinuses continue to improve, and I was able to release some grief that was likely an underlying cause of my physical issues. I deeply appreciated her kind, grounded energy and compassion during the session and after. So thankful that I was able to have this healing and would definitely recommend her work to my friends and family. 

Ruth, Bali (colonic hydrotherapist)

The structural alignment online series of 3 sessions was very beneficial, I felt lighter, calmer and my system was more relaxed after the sessions. The initial pain I had between my scapulas dissolved and I felt taller after the sessions. Anna is a great therapist and I felt very safe and well looked after throughout the sessions. I would highly recommend the sessions to anyone. Thank you Anna!

Elisabeth, Glasgow (musician)

Before working with Anna I had no idea what to expect. I’ve had distance healing before and I’ve heard of Rolfing, but I wasn’t sure how it would translate to a remote session. I was so impressed by the effect the work had, I feel like it really facilitated my body's own healing processes. There were lots of synchronicities during the sessions that let me know my body was genuinely responding to the bodywork from a distance. Now almost a week on from my last session the fatigue - which was the worst symptom I had - has completely gone. Other things we worked on have really improved. Thank you so much Anna!

Alixe, France (coach)

Before meeting Anna and receiving her remote healing sessions, I was working a lot on the computer and wasn’t paying attention to my neck or posture; I now realise how important they are.  As I worked with her, firstly for a neck ache, then a stomach ache, the pain went down immediately after each session. A full day working on my laptop made my neck ache worse, to the point that I couldn’t get out of bed or lift my head, and she was kind enough to do an emergency session. My pain went down from a 9 to a 4 (out of 10) right away. It was during the coronavirus, so I wasn’t motivated to go see my GP/doctor who normally helps me out when I get those. Instead, she empowered me with a bit of explanation about the neck muscles and I have felt very safe stretching my neck and use what she taught me through the day to improve my posture and abstain from straining my neck while working.  She’s very helpful and I’m sure my neck and shoulders are grateful she’s in my life and I’m grateful I can work again normally. I was quite amazed during the sessions as I could sense what part of my body she was working on and I would even get an image of where she positioned her hands and what she was doing. It was a cool way to validate my intuitive senses - but maybe not everyone will sense those though. It was easier to tune into her and what she was working on when the house was quiet and I didn’t have any distraction around. It did feel like a nice nurturing meditation. I would sometimes just slightly open my eyes to see her work with her hands and that always felt good as I could feel she was caring for me energetically.

Yael, London (yoga teacher)

Anna offers a calming, reassuring space to facilitate physical healing. The sessions I had were to focus on a specific area of pain and I was surprised that a remote session could be so effective. Having had the 10 series I know the benefits of the physical therapy and it’s amazing to experience similar results remotely. I’d highly recommend a series of sessions with Anna.

Katie, Northumberland (opera singer)

Anna is highly professional, insightful and perceptive, noticing connections between my physical ailments and my emotional body. The energy healing was gentle and throughout I felt peaceful. I felt rested and calm for the rest of the evening.

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The Polished Onion, Structural Integration, Rolfing, Rolf Method, London, Anna Collins, layers, fascia

 ​website designed and content written by me: all rights reserved © anna collins 2013-2024

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