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Tell me more. What happens?


At the start of each session, we go over your general well-being on the day, note any differences from previous sessions and do a few basic movements. We then repeat this little process at the end of the treatment. Just a few minutes of encouraging body awareness will help identify the changes as and when they happen, be it within the hour, or between visits. 

Work is done in underwear, or swimwear, whichever you feel most comfortable in, and a towel or blanket will keep you covered and warm on the areas I'm not working on. Generally it is done on a table, like massage, but you will be asked to get up and move around during the session. According to what is required, you may also sit on a chair/bench, stand up against the wall, or lie on the floor.

Do I really need to do 'the ten'?


Ideally, yes. This will allow your body the optimum chance to change for the better and for you to reap the biggest rewards. However, I realise that this is a large leap into the unknown, so I encourage you to try the first session to see how you feel. If you don't think it's for you, then we can leave it there. If you liked it, but are daunted by the ten, we can then do sessions two and three. By this stage, you should already feel the benefits and be keen to progress, but if not, this is a good place to stop. For the ultimate experience, do the ten. Once you start session four, I need commitment from you that you will see it through to the end.

I love it! I want more!


Hold your horses. The idea is to give you a better structure to enable you to live life to your fullest potential. Time is essential to digest all the work we have done. Everyone will react in different ways and at different rates, but by the end of the ten, you need to go and use your new body for a decent period of time to allow it to absorb the changes already made, and to encourage further development. Once things have settled, we can schedule futher sessions whenever you feel the need.

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The Polished Onion, Structural Integration, Rolfing, Rolf Method, London, Anna Collins, layers, fascia

 ​website designed and content written by me: all rights reserved © anna collins 2013-2024

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